Thursday, January 19, 2006

Dumb moves I have made in the past few days.
Okay the lets see the Stupid things I have done over the past few days are too numerous to mention. I just figured it might get your attention. Yesterday afternoon I decided to change my pump site not really actually the tubing broke right off. So I was forced into puting in a new site, since I could not find any of the extra tubing I have lying around. So I pull off the old site insert the new one. Well somehow this Twit got the tubing underneath the adhesive portion of the inset. I am currently using them and they seem to stay stuck on slimy skin. Okay So we go off to dinner at the local Italain Restaurant. I forgot I need to refuel. So I am already in the 200's and order a diet iced tea. Well the girl brought me a regular Iced tea which i bolused for not realizing how low I was on insulin. Well when we get home I come upstairs and go to diconnect the tubing from the site. I am having one heck of a time. Well low and behold the tubing is underneath the site no wonder it hurt when it went in. Well since i messed up that bit of tubing it was time for siten number 2 of the day. That one actually went off without a hitch and I filled the reservoir and used another set of tubing. My numbers were in the 300 range but gradually dropped down to a nice normal number which was great.
Okay now for adventure number 2. Why do I always wait till the last minute to do things like this. I go to download my pump to take to my endocrimonologist appoinment today. Well of course it never wants to download the pump history. I usually have to remove the cozmanager program and re install it and that works. Well last night I actually started to clean my sty, well room. Of course this is around midnight. I never did find the CD and still have no idea where it is hiding. I am calling cozmo today and asking for a new CD to see if that helps everything. I really love my cozmo pump and love the graphs and stuff from the co pilot software. Please don't tell therasense i am still using it. Well after not finding the CD I decide I will write some of my numbers down. So I go to which has my favorite blood glucose charts. Well Teresa is rebuilding that area of her site WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH. I am really having a shitty night here. I think I need to go step in some cow shit maybe roll in it for luck.
Well after not finding the chart I usually use I found one which was okay on It was either that or I would have showed up with no numbers and no bloodwork drawn. My mom was going to take me yesterday for the bloodwork but the weather was horrid and we choose not to go. I had decided I would fast and go before my appointment this morning as they are drawing lipids. Well I woke up at 7 am with a blood sugar a 39. I ended up treating the blood sugar was more important then the labs. The PA at the docs office agreed with me. Basically we looked at my numbers and they seem to be high in the evenings so we upped my basal starting at 8 instead of 10. Now if i start having lows. I'm gonna cuss. I also asked about lowering my basals when dog sitting as the last time I dog sat I had 2 pretty severe lows. I am really not sure why. I need to remember to e-mail stuff to the PA about the Quilt for Life showing in DC and how to put a square in for her son. Actually I got fairly lucky today. The endo's son wasn't feeling well so she left early. Thank God for small favors. The worst thing is the damn steriod shot has really done nothing for the shoulder pain. I can't tell if it is due to the weather. Been very wet here the past week. I'm thinking of builing an ark. Alrighty.
I also need you guys to start keeping me honest. I have found myself to have no tests during the day then tons starting in the evening. I think I end up going downstairs without the finger sticker or strips and because of the foot pain don't want to go upstairs after it. I also have a terrible memory thanks to some fo the meds they had me on for RSD. My mom told me on day now you know how a burned out druggie feels. I said yeah but I never got high in my life. Oh well. I need to remember to call Social Security to see what they are doing.

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