Thursday, November 09, 2006

A post for D bloggers day
I promised this would be an more upbeat post after my rantings yesterday. I have to say sometimes I am grateful for the people I have met because I have D. Let me see the people whom I have met personally and admire so much. A lot of them are children or parents of D. Some are others with type 1. First I have gotten to meet Ellen and Zach. Ellen is just an inspiration to me. She campaigns for a cure and works hard with the DRI. Zach is another inspiration. He is a great kid who handles d as if it is a bump in the road. I have met Sally and Joey. Sally is such a sweet lady and Joey is just such a nice boy. I actually put a rapid D in Joey. I have to say I think it is harder to insert a set into a young child then anything else. Such a different perspective. I have also met Carol, William, Roderick, and Hal. William is the type 1 in this family. He is so little but handles the D like a troooper. I have had the pleasure of meeting Heidi of D-log cabin fame. She would tell you I never shut up. She is the quietest person I have ever met. I had a ball in DC and at FFL conferance with her. She is such a sweetie. I have met Stacey, Jesse, and Jesse's dad. I forgot the husbands name sorry. Jesse just makes me laugh and Stacey is a fantastic mother. I have met Wendy from NY and Jessica these two inspire me also. These are just the people I have met through CWD. Oh I also forgot. I got to meet Marissa Hitchock and Jeff Hitchcock, the inpiration and creator of I have also gotten to meet Laura Billetdeux and her son Sam. I know there are people I am forgetting in this list, but I count each and everyone of them as a friend. All I can say is thanks for the wonderful site and for giving me the oppurtunity to meet all these other people. I am hoping to meet more of my friends. I swear these are the people I bare my soul to.
I also visit another site it is I have never met the creator of that site or his daughter but they both are fantastic people who built a group that focuses on insulin pumpers. I have met CC from IP, Heidi is also a member of IP, Steve and then there is Ed from Virginia. I know there are others I have met from this site but the names escape me now. I have to say that diabetes has given me some GREAT friendships with people who understand. I never went to a diabetes Camp but consider the CWD conferances to be like a camp. I am saving my money to attend the FFL conferance this year. Okay well that is my post.
I forgot to count my blogging friends and online friends. There are so many. Everyone inspires me and I am not sure I would have ever read D related bogs if I were not Diabetic. So everyone keep you chins up and keep posting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are blessed to call you friend as well. You are right, D friends are the best people.