Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Hopefully headed in the right direction
Well I finally broke down and e-mailed the pain center I used to go with to schedule an appointment with one of their pain doctors there. The cost since I know they do not accept my insurance is astronomical, but hopefully worth it. She actually works under a doc I was seeing before who was great doc. He switched his focus to more pallative care. The lady on the phone was really nice. She feels that the doc she gave me should be a good match for me. The one lady we were trying to get in with is leaving in June and only handles cancer patients. The other good thing is the appointment is less then a month away. I am hoping that she will have some ideas on how to manage this foot pain and will be willing to do the paperwork for me. I am really frustrated at the one doctors office for not doing the damn paperwork. Also I feel that neither doc is paying any attention to me or anything like that.
Okay well the animals now all have clean coops. One of the farm workers shoveled all the shit out of the pens and put new straw in each coop. The animals are so happy. I can now walk in the pen and not feel like I need hip waders. We do need to fix the entrance to the donkey pen as it has a big ditch but oh well. I spent some time visiting with the donkeys today. The baby goats are growing and being as devilish as ever. They love to climb on rocks and play king of the rock. Well I will updated you all later.

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