Saturday, March 25, 2006

Okay Everyone,
I promised you pictures of the baby goats. Well here they are. The first one here. They are blackie and whitie right now. They don't have real names yet. They were born on March 18th. They seem very cute and big. Had us worried today since they were hiding. Even their mother didn't know where they were. Need to teach these babies better manners. They must have been hiding under the one metal thing we had. After looking for a 1/2 an hour for them. We had finally given up. Well we notice the mother running up towards the top gate. Then we see the black one running to her followed by whitie.
The next picture is of Jesus and Lazurus. They were born on March 11th. They are very cute and growing everyday. They just need to learn to keep up with their mommy. Everyday she has to come back to the tree because the little black goat is still waiting for her. The white one follows mommy everywhere. I worry about the cows stepping on them.
This picture was taken of Jesus and Lasuruzus on March 17th. The are both sleeping by their barn in the sun. Oh the life of a baby goat on the farm.
The final picture in the series is of blackie. Their mother is in the backround. You can also see whitie's legs in the picture. I hope you enjoy the pictures of the babies.

Just to let you all Know. I was out trying to fix the fence between the pig pen and the animal pen. Well the Yuhoo the cow almost attacked me. Luckily I was next to the fence. I really think she terrified mom. I was laughing Crazy brown cow.

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