Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A very busy day
Okay today was an extremely busy day. First of all, I got up early to go out and put straw in the animal pens and take care of the donkeys. The kids were coming to measure the animals today. Of course I woke up low unfortunately. I ate a bowl of oatmeal and forgot to bolus for it. DOOH!!!!! Well as we were getting dressed to go out and take care of the animals our cleaning lady came in the house. No problem, but then we got to chatting so started out a 1/2 an hour later then really wanted to. We go out to the animals. I feed the donkeys some grain and then we go down the barn to get some straw. These are small bales of straw so it takes a lot. Well we are getting to the "bottom" of the box so reaching these bales wasn't easy. We get the first load of straw and take it up. We decide to bed the goats pen first. I then remember I need to take an allergy pill. It seems I have an allergy to straw and hay. UGH!!!! I go in the house and can only find an alavert pill. I take one and go out of the house. We put the straw all around and in the goats barn. They were all good and remained outside. Of course the fools are eating the straw and not the hay we had put in. After we finished with the goats pen, it is 11:30. We need to catch the goats for the kids to measure and also need more straw. We go down the barn after another load of straw for the coops. I then decided to get the calf and the donkeys out of their pens figuring it will make it easier to spread the straw. Well Oscar the calf was raising heck. What a pain in the butt he was. We tied him to the fence. Of course he has terrified the poor donkeys. I then decide to take the donkeys out and hook them to the fence. They are onery fools. They don't want to walk so it is more like a drag. Well by the time we had gotten those three animals out of the pens. It was time to catch the baby goat. I dumb some food near a corner. Then go in the pen while they were eating food. I grab the first goat and hand it off to mom. We then hook that goat on a leash. I then go and catch the other goat. Usually this is an ordeal but today it wasn't. I give her to mom and put her on a leash. The problem is this turkey goes through the fence back in the pen. I end up holding the goat in my arms as i exit the pen. Well in the meantime mom drops the other goats leash. Well we finally were able to catch that goat. After she dumped the pail of cow food.
Okay so then we decide to sit at the picnic table and wait for the kids to arrive. All the animals were measured. We left the calf and the donkeys hooked to the fence till the kids left. I also took them up to the other pasture to see the baby lambs. They are sooooooo cute. I need to get some pictures of them. We then put the straw in the calfs and donkey pen. After doing all this I am starting to get a very sore throat. I am reacting to the straw and stuff. We come in the house and I take 3 benadryl and eat another bowl of oatmeal. Blood sugar after all the wrestling is 3 something. I take a short nap and then we go out to feed the rest of the animals. I feel like a 300 year old lady. After feeding the animals we come in and have cake for my father's birthday. I am exhausted. The animals were very good for their measurments. The donkeys got a little fiesty but they were good. The calf was only a devil when going in or out of his pen. Well I need to get going now. Will update you soon.

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